Tuesday 5 May 2015

So it begins

So hi, this is my new blog.  Its called Keep Calm and Start Running, so guess what its about....?

Let me introduce myself.  I'm Steph, I'm overweight, I can't run for more than a few minutes, and I am going to run the 2016 London marathon.... Yeah you heard me.

I guess you think I'm crazy (or cray cray perhaps), but I have wanted to run a marathon for years, why is that, I hear you ask, well

1. I do enjoy running (in short bursts admittedly).  I feel very free when I'm running, and I want to get better at it.  If the zombie apocalypse happened now I would definitely die in the first 10 minutes.

2. I have lost weight then put it all back on, and now i'm loosing it again.  Whilst I'm hoping if I have a goal to achieve with exercise I will hopefully stick with it.  I'm not against being big, but I am conscious of my own health and well being, more for later life, so I guess now is the time to make life style changes and get fit.

3. Its a huge accomplishment to say I have run a marathon.  And I want to be able to say it and not be joking.

And the reason it has to be London?  Because its so iconic, its the race that made me think about running, and its the city of my birth.  Perfect.

So after years of thinking how cool would it be's, and I'll do it next years' and maybe I get up tomorrow and run but not today's.  I did something crazy.  I signed up for next years marathon.

So I have now roughly a year to train, get fit, and learn to run, oh my god how many miles, 26.2 miles (what a random number).

The next hurdle (after all that running of course), is getting through the ballot which you only find out in October.  I just looked it up and today is the first day you could apply for the London Marathon, so I think it must be fate for me to apply.  Of all the chances for me too look it up and do it, its today.

But to bed and to sleep I think.

My training starts tomorrow.

Good night world.

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